
We utilize Tuition Express to process all payments. Full day tuition is a weekly tuition scheduled to be automatically debited on Monday morning.

Preschool tuition is a monthly tuition that will be automatically debited on the first business day of each month. The first month of the year your child attends, tuition will include June of the following year.

All accounts are required to have a tuition express account on file.

You are responsible for full tuition to be paid regardless of absenteeism due to the Center being closed, sickness, vacation, extended absence, or any other reason. If tuition is two or more weeks in the arrears it is ground for immediate dismissal from the center. If your child attends additional days or hours not included in your contract, additional tuition must be paid. If your child is not going to attend one of their scheduled days, you cannot switch days without additional being due.

It is understood by all parties that the amount of tuition may be adjusted from time to time (usually at the beginning of the school year).

It is the policy of Little People’s Place to assume each family will pay tuition according to their contract. It is the payer’s responsibility to make sure that the funds are available in their account.

If funds are not available when the automatic debit takes place fees of $25.00 will be assessed to your account. If you delay a tuition payment to a different day you will incur a fee of $25.00 per payment.

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